One of the PC technicians at my workplace needs to install DWG Trueview 2010 for some end-users. However, in order for those users to run this application, they need to be granted admin privilege on their local desktop.
I did some researches online and couldn't really find a solution for it. While doing my searching online, I ran across a page which mentioned the procmon (process monitoring) tool from Sysinternal. Dud! why didn't I think of this tool? Using procmon to monitor the application while it was running, I found out that "DWGVIEWR.exe" couldn't access two registry keys below:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
In order to get this program running, all you need to do is to grant the end-user full permission to those registry keys (run "regedit" and browse to those keys, right click and add permission).
That is all you need to do to get it running.
simple to utilize a gadget that is yet intense far as